
Akridata Named a Vendor to Watch in the IDC MarketScape for Worldwide Data Labeling Software Learn More

Akridata Data Explorer is a purpose built MLOps tool for data science teams working with Visual Data

It helps in improving model accuracy, it's easy to use, data science teams love it because it saves lots of time, and it detects model issues early

It works in the cloud and on-prem, and we do free trials. Reach out for a demo or try it yourself!


Supports multiple data formats

Multiple industry formats, metadata supported

Explore latent data structures

Interactively cluster, filter, slice very large datasets

Run visual searches quickly

Image patch search at massive scale in seconds

Analyze model predictions

Identify and resolve mispredictions, bias, class imbalances

Akridata's powerful analysis tools expose your visual data using interactive confusion matrices, histograms, IoUs etc. This quickly identifies root cause model mispredictions, low confidence scores, and corrects issues by enhancing your training set
Akridata lets anyone easily explore very large visual datasets, apply different clustering, embedding and sampling techniques to expose underlying data structures, their relationships, and distributions
Image-based ‘similarity search’ using multiple positive/negative exemplars. Intractively score the results to further refine the result sets. Perform fine grained searches by defining points of interest "image patches" in large scale datasets without compromising user experience.
Analyze model predictions
Akridata's powerful analysis tools expose your visual data using interactive confusion matrices, histograms, IoUs etc. This quickly identifies root cause model mispredictions, low confidence scores, and corrects issues by enhancing your training set
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How Data Science teams benefit from using Data Explorer


Reduce hours of work to minutes. Cut time spent on data selection and curation.


Avoid wastages in labelling spends. Get more for the $s you  spend.


Accelerate your path to model accuracy. Reduce the iterations and guess work.