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Data Challenges of the Autonomous World by the Numbers

The Autonomous World represents one of the most significant advancements in human history. As we move closer to a fully autonomous future, we’re witnessing its transformative impact across various sectors, including:

  • Self-Driving Cars
  • Shipping & Deliveries
  • Unattended Retail
  • Hospitals
  • Warehouses
  • Factories
  • Farms
  • Construction Sites

At the heart of this revolution lies a monumental challenge: managing a relentless avalanche of data generated at the Edge. This data is unstructured, decentralized, and requires sophisticated systems to ingest, catalog, explore, and track effectively.

The Scale of the Data Challenge


The data generated by autonomous systems is staggering. In some cases, just a few devices can produce anywhere from 10 to 100 Terabytes of data per day. By 2025, the volume of new data created annually is expected to reach 175 Zettabytes, with Edge data accounting for 75% of all enterprise data.

Why Edge Data Matters

Edge data is the fuel that powers AI and autonomy. Despite its importance, much of the industry’s focus has been on data platforms designed for traditional analytics and cloud storage. However, the real challenge—and opportunity—lies in effectively managing and utilizing Edge data.

The Akridata Solution: Purpose-Built for the Autonomous World

Recognizing the impending data crisis, our team at Akridata foresaw these challenges years ago and developed a purpose-built system tailored to the needs of the Autonomous World. Our Edge Data Platform is designed to manage the unstructured, decentralized data generated by autonomous systems, simplifying both AI workflows and data flows.

Because the Akridata software operates across the Edge, the core, and the cloud, it not only enhances efficiency but also delivers significant time and cost savings.

Key Benefits of the Akridata Platform

Akridata’s platform offers several critical advantages that address the unique challenges of the Autonomous World:

  • Reduces Time-to-Access for Data by 10x
    Quickly and efficiently access the right data, accelerating the development and deployment of AI models.
  • Improves Compute and Storage Efficiency by 4x
    Optimize the use of compute resources and storage, ensuring that your systems run more effectively and cost-efficiently.
  • Boosts Data Scientist Productivity by 2x
    Enable data scientists to focus on innovation and model development, rather than spending excessive time on data management tasks.

The Future of the Autonomous World Depends on Data

If your organization is at the forefront of creating innovations for the Autonomous World, the Akridata platform is an essential tool. Autonomy relies on AI, and AI relies on high-quality, efficiently managed data. As the complexity and volume of data continue to grow, having the right platform in place will be critical to your success.

Request a Demo Today

Experience the power of Akridata’s Edge Data Platform and see how it can transform your AI and autonomous systems. Get in touch with us today to request a demo and learn more about how our solutions can meet your needs.

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