
Akridata Named a Vendor to Watch in the IDC MarketScape for Worldwide Data Labeling Software Learn More

Build More Accurate AI Models with
Synthetic Data

Train and retrain your model with analyzed, filtered data to achieve higher accuracy in less time.

Models trained on real and filtered synthetic data from Akridata are more than 2X accurate than models trained on real data alone.

Benefits of Akridata

Insufficient data leads to inaccurate models. Synthetic data closes the gap of inaccurate models, but its quality matters. With Akridata’s Data Explorer, you can:

Use real datasets to generate exponentially more synthetic data.

Analyze and filter out imperfect data.

Retrain your model and assess its results.

Repeat the process until achieving optimal accuracy.

Data-Driven Filtering

Spend less time analyzing synthetic data and more time improving your model accuracy. Akridata makes it simple to compare synthetic data to real data, assess its relevance and filter by confidence score.

Data Explorer

Akridata’s Data Explorer accelerates model accuracy, curates better training sets and reduces data labeling costs. It’s the platform data scientists rely on to:
Accessibility Access and explore their visual datasets from any source.
Interactive search Use interactive search to build effective training datasets.
Accuracy Evaluate and improve model accuracy.