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Akridata Helps Railway Organizations Better Identify Structural Issues and Stay on Track

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On February 3, 2023, a train comprising 38 cars derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, spilling hazardous materials and forcing emergency crews to conduct a controlled burn of multiple railcars. The accident necessitated the evacuation of residents within a one-mile radius and required responses from agencies across Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. Subsequent investigations revealed that faulty brakes, due to poor maintenance stemming from inadequate oversight and lax safety protocols, were the primary cause. By July 27, 2023, the derailment had cost Norfolk Southern nearly a billion dollars in losses, cleanup costs, and compensation.

While the East Palestine derailment drew intense public scrutiny, it also served as a wake-up call for the railway industry and the broader public, raising urgent questions about whether organizations were doing enough to protect communities along freight routes. The incident highlighted the critical need to address previously unforeseen gaps in train maintenance.

Railways Face Unique Challenges—And Require Unique Solutions

While the memory of February 3rd fades for many Americans, its impact continues to ripple through the railway industry. Major railway companies are now more vigilant than ever, striving to avoid becoming the next headline. However, achieving this is often easier said than done.

Trains, whether carrying cargo or commuters, travel vast distances and face numerous environmental challenges that contribute to significant wear and tear on their machinery. Common factors like snow, rain, and mud not only degrade train wheels but also obscure potential damage, making it difficult to identify problems in real-time. Just as dirt can conceal a tear in a sneaker, debris accumulated on a train wheel can hide a critical crack.

While railways deploy cameras and sensors along their tracks to detect damage, analyzing the resulting visual or acoustic data on a case-by-case basis leaves room for error. A potential crack might be mistaken for a smear of mud, a concerning vibration could be misidentified as a twig caught in the undercarriage, and an innocent-looking shadow could hide a serious mechanical issue.

Despite good intentions, many current solutions still allow too much uncertainty, which businesses cannot afford. The stakes are too high for guesswork.

Minimize Uncertainty. Maximize Safety and Efficiency

The technologies currently available are functional, but railway industries need more than just “fine.” Over-caution can lead to unnecessary train stoppages, sacrificing efficiency. Conversely, failing to recognize a real issue can lead to disaster. These scenarios create a lose-lose situation, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Imagine a scenario where you could take vast amounts of data from cameras and sensors across the country and synthesize it, considering factors like terrain and seasonality. What if you could aggregate the indicators that correlate with wheel cracks and other maintenance issues, comparing them against instances of superficial problems like mud or twigs? Imagine using intelligent software to harness real-time data, eliminating guesswork.

With such a solution, you could identify and address real problems before they escalate, reducing the time engineers spend on false positives and keeping trains running efficiently and safely. This would enhance both safety and brand confidence, ultimately boosting revenue.

Fortunately, you don’t have to just imagine it.

Akridata: Empowering Railway Leaders to Solve Problems and Save Lives

Akridata enables railway organizations to collect, curate, analyze, and leverage data with ease, resulting in actionable, real-time insights. These insights make it easier to spot maintenance issues before they become problems, and they help translate those insights into improved operational intelligence over time. With Akridata, you’re not just catching damage more accurately—you’re continuously improving. As you gather more data, your ability to make meaningful use of it only increases.

How It Works: Akridata’s Data Explorer

  1. Connect: Data Explorer integrates with your existing image database and vision system, using deep learning to classify captured images. The software is easily customizable to your specific environment.
  2. Categorize: Leveraging advanced clustering techniques, Data Explorer categorizes visual data, providing insights into its composition. It segments data into detailed subgroups, such as wheel defect classes, allowing for comprehensive categorization of maintenance issues.
  3. Enhance: Data Explorer identifies relevant visual data aligned with your objectives and generates thousands of similar images through synthesis, refining your dataset with unparalleled precision.
  4. Validate: The synthetic visual data seamlessly integrates back into your dataset, enhancing its quality and improving model accuracy.

Why It Matters Now More Than Ever

The railway industry is under more public scrutiny than ever before, and organizations need to take that scrutiny seriously. If your business cannot guarantee both safety and efficiency, you risk falling behind in an increasingly competitive and regulated environment.

Akridata’s solutions are designed to help you stay ahead of the curve, ensuring that your railway operations remain safe, efficient, and compliant. By building, testing, and deploying high-accuracy computer vision models, Akridata helps keep your railroad operations on track, literally and figuratively.


In an industry where the margin for error is razor-thin, Akridata provides the tools necessary to eliminate guesswork and enhance operational safety and efficiency. By leveraging advanced AI and machine learning, Akridata empowers railway organizations to proactively identify and address potential issues before they lead to costly and dangerous outcomes.

Learn more about how Akridata’s innovative solutions can help you safeguard your railway operations today!

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