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Organizations have relied on tape data and tape backup for decades, but many of them are looking to modernize their tape data by taking advantage of cloud elasticity, economics, or long term management of media and formats.
“Light up” your archive data and catalog it so it can be integrated with your enterprise data and used by modern analytics or AI/ML applications. Find and catalog the data you already have and activate it so it can participate in workflows and inform new insights.
Akridata Cloud Archive service is a fast and reliable method to migrate your tape data, transform it in-transit, manage it easily, and monitor it on an ongoing basis.
It is costly to keep low-priority data in high-cost storage, or to move it around unnecessarily. It is also costly to have to wait for important data. Akridata Cloud Archive service helps optimize what data is stored where according to access and cost requirements and based on usage behavior and policies.
Akridata has developed and implemented a solution designed for Exascale class data problems and proven in Petascale environments of Fortune-100 companies.
Digital data is the lifeblood of the new enterprise. So your ability to find it, harness it, unify it, and put it to work makes all the difference. Data agility lets you roll with the punches, enable continuous learning and feedback, respond to new scope, or manage new services.